rik-rat corn pile

Monday, February 1, 2010

sights from the drive to illinois.

1. A barn near(ish) Muscatine, Iowa. This shack is on 61E and is in all of the "weird iowa" books.

2. Hog House. Gotta love the logo. It is on 92E.

3. This church's top fell off! Its on 34E.

It was a good ride, I allowed myself to stop and photograph anything that ignited my curiosity. I collected old paint chips from the graffiti shack and will send them to whoever requests one, they look pretty cool (years of paint build up on aged wood). I also saw several dead coyotes, a sharp shinned hawks, two bald eagles, and a mama deer with triplets casually cross a highway.


  1. i like that barn, we should put a letterbox there.

  2. i have a whole list of places we should put letter boxes.


    Sorry I missed 'em. Not that I'd have gone back to Eye-oh-way. I hear that state's scary as shit.

  4. its not as bad as idaho. trust me.
