Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The dog almost caught a deer.

Trevor, Mudd, and I went for a walk through the fields yesterday. We walked around the muck and snow, we looked at old/lightning struck trees, and followed turkey tracks.

Suddenly, there was a crashing sound in the timber and a male whitetail deer (antlers and all) came crashing out from the trees. The deer was scared but the dog wasn't. Mudd perked up his ears, growled, and took off full bore after the gigantic beast.

"Mudd! Stop!" I yelled this over and over but the deer was out of sight.

I heard some more crashing and the deer came running from the other side of the field. Mudd was still behind him, running as fast as he could. Eventually, I was able to get to a high point and see my little pooch. He was panting and excited. But, really, what would he have done if the deer decided to stop? I dunno. A kick. A deer kick. All I know is my dog wanted to eat this deer.

Really, this was all my fault. I take him to see deer all the time. Watch the video. I'm just glad the dog is ok.


  1. glad i got to see a video of some of it! my gosh, those deer things are huge, look bigger than regular deer! what a champion mudd! i'm so glad my possible sperm donor is okay!

  2. I wish I had a video of the "actual" event! Sadly, I just had to post a video of Mudd harassing the cow elk at Lake Miami Reservoir. It proves he has a history of this behavior.

    Oh, man. Puppy girl and Mudd would making frickin' cute babies. I just hope he's not too big for her ;)

  3. i hope he's not too. i wonder if they have a website like they might have for people to see what their babies will look like... you know, you see stuff like that on tv... but i wonder if they have one to see what dog babies will look like! haha! yarrrrr. ps, send me that bird website, lady!!

  4. they'd be furry and tricolor. possibly tall and definitely amazing.
