Monday, March 26, 2012

a beautiful weekend.

1. Mudd has turned into quite the little seeing eye dog. He spots animals in the grass on a regular basis and Friday was no exception. We were taking a leisurely walk in tick infested grass when I noticed the dog pawing at a patch of earth. I walked over to the area and spied a scaled tail. I tugged on it and a ridiculously long garter snake started to unwind from the grass. I grabbed the beast behind the neck and went to grab my camera for a few shots. After our photo session she was released at the same spot we found her.
2. We tried to find an arrowhead this weekend. Not successful. But the field we were in had a lot of beautiful flint chips. Pink, red, grey, black, orange...all shiny and sharp as glass. Where you find flint chips there is a chance you'll find an arrowhead. So, it was worth a shot. At least the rocks look pretty.
3. It was a froggy weekend. All my amphibious friends have come out to enjoy an early spring. We took Mudd to the pond to Frolic. that clever dog has figured out that if he walks along the edge of the pond and smashes algae...frogs will jump out. Once the frogs jump out of the algae Mudd chases them along the pond's edge. It was pretty darn cute. What wasn't cute, though? The ubiquitous TICKS!!! We headed back to the truck after our pond jaunt and checked the dog for ticks. HE HAD THREE! I began to freak out and began to check myself, I had ticks crawling up my pants! I picked them off and thought I was in the clear. Nope. We begin the drive home, I let out a huge SCREAM because there was a tick crawling up my arm. I looked at my pant legs and there were two more! The ticks crawled off the dog and onto me. Needless to say, I hopped out of the truck, screamed, and flailed about for awhile. Think the story is over?...nope. I went to bed that night and picked two more ticks off of Mudd. TERRIBLE!


  1. how could you tell it was a female snake? Were her breasts dragging on the ground? The rocks are really pretty the way you have them arranged. I like all the pink ones. EEEEWWWWW!!!!! Frogs and snakes! Mother effin snakes on a mother effin plane! :)

    1. hee hee. It would have been hilarious if snakes had boobs...kyle noticed that she was kind of fat. We decided she was full of eggs but I'm no scientist. It could just be a fat dude snake.

  2. Replies
    1. so pretty. It had yellow, red, and black marks on her back and her belly was tinged green.

  3. every once in a while a snake scares me in the backyard..unexpected, but i love seeing them out in the woods

    1. i've never had a snake phobia. However, I remember being a young girlscout at the indiana dunes...a blue racer chased me and nearly scared the "brownie" out of me (girl scout jokes are hilarious)

  4. i LOVE LOVE LOVE the pink ones! so pretty!!

  5. maybe I'll send you a few via snail mail. They'd be really nice in a mosaic.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. yesterday my day started with finding a dead frog who had been smushed by our garage. it was both disgusting and sad.
    my day ended with a gross old man looking for a second wife which was also both disgusting and sad.

  8. ugh. rishika. you need a hug from your bff. *cyber hug*
