Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mutant Dandelion!

I was walking the dog through a field of dandelions and found this gigantic mutant amongst the others.  This dandelion has three flower heads!  Insane.  I likened it to a four leaf clover, a strange mutation but nothing too "out there".

When I got home I put the dandelion in the fridge and did some Google-investigations. I found out that the proper term for this kind of growth is "fasciation" or "cresting".  The growth is caused by a mutation in the meristematic cells, by insect or mite attack, or by chemical or mechanical damage (that sentence was stolen from this web address 


  1. also, there are several different varieties of "dandelions"..possibly this isn't a true dandelion.
    check out page 8

  2. damn, Tom. You just blew my mind. I had no idea there were varieties of dandelions. That's nature for you.

    Maybe it was a hairy dandelion. The stem had a lot of peach fuzz on it. I have it in a book now, I'm gonna press the shit out of this dandelion and them frame it in the future.

    1. I found another one yesterday. Perhaps they're completely freaking common.
