rik-rat corn pile

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

lodge fodder.

This painting is pixelated, compressed, and shitty looking on my website www.janeryder.com. I've been picking up lots of chewed up beaver sticks by the lake and its made me think about this gouache paintin'. Title: Lodge Fodder.



  1. there's a lot going on in your paintings--one could get lost in all the activity

  2. i heard most people only stare at a painting for 6 seconds or so (guilty of that, I am). I'm trying hard to keep people looking for at least 15 seconds.

    I'm glad you said activity. I hope these come off as active and alive.

  3. I like the ground. This is really nice.
    i miss you.

  4. i just bought something of yours I've been dying to get my hands on.
